Thursday, December 9, 2010

Scope Creep

A prior project involving Scope Creep included the Project Manager (PM) retiring. The PM is the essential part of project, and they often have vital information that isn't privy to anyone else. There should always be a backup and everyone should be on the same page as far as information and technical issues or concerned. Information such as missing and archived reports was an issue along with programming skill set and training. There wasn't any documentation or additional members on the team with similar knowledge or from similar backgrounds. Needless to say, this project came to a halt, and had to be reevaluated by Management because years of working knowledge were no longer available, causing major delays. There wasn’t a backup plan, and after much deliberation management decided to go with software altogether which didn’t require any coding and was user friendly.
Estimating Project Cost | My Management Guide MyMGProject cost management allows addressing the identification, ... An Opportunity Cost is a cost associated with an opportunity of a choice for the project. ... It is used to calculate and compare resources. Project cost estimates ... The process focuses on finding and allocating optimal costs for the project. ...

Guidance for cost estimation and management for highway projects ... - Google Books ResultStuart D. Anderson, Keith Robert Molenaar, Cliff J. Schexnayder - 2007 - Technology & Engineering - 97 pages
Tips Choose delivery methods that better align goals and that allocate risk properly. ... Similar costs from the reference project are used to estimate ...

Economic Analysis (Major Automated Information System (MAIS) only)An economic analysis is normally associated with Major Automated Information System ... of choosing the best method of allocating scarce resources to achieve a given objective. ... Business, Cost Estimating, & Financial Management (BCEFM) Related Topics ... ID, 28897. Date Created, Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:43 AM ...

Project Cost ManagementAnalogous cost estimating is frequently used to estimate costs when there is a limited ... data and other to calculate a cost estimate for a schedule activity resource. ... These include cost for materials associated with the project, ... - Cached - Similar

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Communicating Effectively

To prepare for this assignment, view the multimedia program "The Art of Effective Communication." In this program, you will observe a piece of communication in three different modalities: as written text, as audio, and as video. Pause after receiving the communication in each modality, and reflect upon what you interpret the message to mean. Think about the content and tone of the message. Record your interpretation of the message after receiving it in each modality. Then reflect upon the experience by considering the following:

How did your interpretation of the message change from one modality to the next?
What factors influenced how you perceived the message?
Which form of communication best conveyed the true meaning and intent of the message?
What are the implications of what you learned from this exercise for communicating effectively with members of a project team?

Post your interpretation of the message as it was delivered in each of the different modalities, pointing out what, if anything, changed about your interpretation from one modality to the next. Then share a synthesis of your thoughts regarding what this activity implies about communicating with members of a project team. What did you learn that will help you communicate more effectively with others in the future?

I have learned over the years privately and professionally to watch and observe different styles of communication using body language and voice tone to determine and decifile the message an invidual is trying to relay rather by email, v/m or face to face. By asking additional questions to gain insight, it very important to repeat the question for a clearer picture and to be on the same page. By repeating the information that was just stated. I can relate to the email, because yesterday I sent out a similiar email to different divisions who are currently late with their data, causing my report to be delayed. You have the opportunity to be tactful and word the email currently vs. face to face that may indeed send signals that you aren't necessarily trying to convey. The email was serious, but to the point. The voice mail explained how important the information was but not that it was urgent. Although, the face to face wasn't urgent, it was important for Mark to know that Jane made a special stop to come by his cubicle to receive the information she needed. It is important to "say what you mean and mean what you say" and rather you are giving someone advice or receiving information that you be precise and clear on instruction and write the details down to make references.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Project Post-Mortem.

One way to learn best practices and avoid mistakes on a future project is to review the results and activities from a project that you have completed. This is referred to as a project post-mortem.

A project that I have worked on in the past that was successful included automating two mainframe reports into a web based system, which was accurate and did not require tweaking or adjusting at the end of each month. The project included designing a new report which was user friendly and eliminated printing and manual distributing. Staff was limited and everyone had to be trained on the new system, once the programmers understood the old program in order to design the new design.

The Scope of Work was included, Stakeholders including Management, CIS and a PPT presentation which described the details and the report complex calculations. The project was cumbersome and time consuming. The project success largely is due to the advances in technology which eliminates any programming and simply allows departments or divisions to enter the data; the software produces the reports and has graphics which alert departments on their performance.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The perception of Distant Learning will improve positively and dramatically

within the next five to twenty years based on advances within technology and the

ability to interactive online with the World Wide Web. Both instructors, students

will be able to participate in courses across the world via the Internet. Distant

Learning popularity will increase as the digital divide is narrowed and our

lifestyle and society becomes more advanced and technical. The increase for

business and professional learning will largely rely on the Internet. Both adults

and Kindergarteners will utilize technology and distant learning from anywhere, on

any topic and anytime. Courses can be certified or non-certified, degreed or non-

degree for business or personal purposes.

As Instructional Designers we can initiate a positive image by developing functional

and practical designs and images that offer interaction and engagement by discussion

and research. By utilizing cutting edge technology, learning can be both stimulating and

challenging offering exciting alternatives to learning styles.

As designers being familiar with the latest technology and design equips us with the

proper tools to develop, replace or enhance existing traditional learning. As we

continue to strive to learn in order to give expert design and instruction to our learners, it

is imperative that we keep up with the latest trends in order to give our learners the best

we have to offer. By using precise. clear and accurate instruction enables learners to

perform their best and to “think outside of the box” while engaging with graphics and

design in order to communicate freely and openly over the internet with discussions

such as BLOGS and CMS‘s, etc. to the ends of the earth.

As an Instructional Designer, I plan to be a positive force for the continuous

improvement in the field of distant education by staying connected to Discussion

Groups and improving my technical skills, in order to incorporate the latest

technology and trends into my design. I plan to get the word out on Distant Learning and

inform others of the advantages and benefits in order to provide the highest quality

design and instruction with proper planning and training.

By breaking down social walls and barriers in education by

communicating to anyone who wants to learn from next door to Africa or China to

students all over the world. The sky is the limit for Distant Learning and tests for state

and federal exams can now be taken over the internet with webcam instead of traveling to

other cities or countries. Distant Learning has come a long way from television in the

classroom, or watching cable programs to the Wireless Internet utilizing technology and

satellite to gain knowledge. Distant Learning will affect everyone directly or indirectly.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Distant Learning Conversion Guide

Pre-Planning Strategies

Course Assessment and Evaluation
• Review and rewrite the learning objectives
• Rely on adult learning principles to make the content relevant and meaningful
• Create a design outline that strives to build interaction every 3 - 5 minutes of the facilitated web session
• Enhance the PowerPoint slide presentation with effective photos, graphics, and illustrations
• Ensure application and practice remain an important part of the design
• Blend asynchronous online activities (such as blogging) with live facilitated sessions
• Support learning transfer with online reinforcement tools
Enhanced Distance Learning Format
Repurpose existing documents and tailor them to meet specific needs of distant learners When you're engaged in the conversion process, you need to pay attention to the design process, as well as the web conferencing tools and server access for learners.. To achieve success in the conversion of course content, you must select a web tools and technology that everyone is familiar with and has access to.
Trainer Role in Distant Learning
The trainer role changes from face-to-face communication to the Internet and precise clear communication via the Internet. The trainers participation in online instruction is vital to the success of the learner. They must allow the learner to contact them with questions and ensure that the software, syllabus and lesson plan is available and accessible. Availability and Accountability to Interact with the Learner by participating in their discussions. Check on students to ensure they are logged on
Participate in Discussion and offer suggestions and to keep them on track.

Trainer Steps to encourage online communication
Presents few challenges or barriers to participants new to web conferencing Provides a variety of interaction tools, including chat, polling, and annotation incorporate break-out rooms for lively small group discussions. Offer two-way communication (through teleconferencing) to engage learners. Supports the use of multi-media (video and audio) Handle sophisticated slide presentations that include animation and graphics to ensure that the Facilitator or Trainer is available and that the students have the tools and feel confident that they will succeed.
Conversion Guide

Pre Planning
Strategies Introduction

Project Name

Project Scope

Duration of Course

Class size


ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation)



Course Goal

Enhanced Distant Learning Format Ensure Students or Familiar with Software and technology . Provide passwords or access to any additional software and allow learners to become familiar with online courses and build confidence
Trainer Role in Distant Learning Availability and Accountability to Interact with the Learner by participating in their discussions.
Check on students to ensure they are logged on
Participate in Discussion and offer suggestions and to keep them on track.
The trainer role changes from face-to-face communication to the Internet and precise clear communication via the Internet. The trainers participation in online instruction is vital to the success of the learner. They must allow the learner to contact themwith questions and ensure that the software, syllabus and lesson plan is available and accessible.

Trainer Steps to Encourage Online Communication Presents few challenges or barriers to participants new to web conferencing
Provides a variety of interaction tools, including chat, polling, and annotation
Incorporate break-out rooms for lively small group discussions
Offers two-way communication (through VoIP or teleconferencing) to engage learners
Supports the use of multi-media (video and audio)
Handles sophisticated slide presentations that include animation and graphics
Ensure that the Facilitator or Trainer is available and that the students have the tools and feel confident that they will succeed.


Video Program: "Facilitating Online Learning"
Dr. George Piskurich shares tips and tricks with instructional technologist Jacqueline Chauser for facilitating online courses to help learners get the most from the experience.
Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2009). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education.
Rives Hassell-Corbiell(2001) Developing Training Courses Learning Edge

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Conversion Guide to Distant Learning

Distant Learning Conversion Guide

Pre-Planning Strategies

Course Assessment and Evaluation
• Review and rewrite the learning objectives
• Rely on adult learning principles to make the content relevant and meaningful
• Create a design outline that strives to build interaction every 3 - 5 minutes of the facilitated web session
• Enhance the PowerPoint slide presentation with effective photos, graphics, and illustrations
• Ensure application and practice remain an important part of the design
• Blend asynchronous online activities (such as blogging) with live facilitated sessions
• Support learning transfer with online reinforcement tools
Enhanced Distance Learning Format
Repurpose existing documents and tailor them to meet specific needs of distant learners When you're engaged in the conversion process, you need to pay attention to the design process, as well as the web conferencing tools and server access for learners.. To achieve success in the conversion of course content, you must select a web tools and technology that everyone is familiar with and has access to.
Trainer Role in Distant Learning
The trainer role changes from face-to-face communication to the Internet and precise clear communication via the Internet. The trainers participation in online instruction is vital to the success of the learner. They must allow the learner to contact them with questions and ensure that the software, syllabus and lesson plan is available and accessible. Availability and Accountability to Interact with the Learner by participating in their discussions. Check on students to ensure they are logged on
Participate in Discussion and offer suggestions and to keep them on track.

Trainer Steps to encourage online communication
Presents few challenges or barriers to participants new to web conferencing Provides a variety of interaction tools, including chat, polling, and annotation incorporate break-out rooms for lively small group discussions. Offer two-way communication (through teleconferencing) to engage learners. Supports the use of multi-media (video and audio) Handle sophisticated slide presentations that include animation and graphics to ensure that the Facilitator or Trainer is available and that the students have the tools and feel confident that they will succeed.
Conversion Guide

Pre Planning
Strategies Introduction

Project Name

Project Scope

Duration of Course

Class size


ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation)



Course Goal

Enhanced Distant Learning Format Ensure Students or Familiar with Software and technology . Provide passwords or access to any additional software and allow learners to become familiar with online courses and build confidence
Trainer Role in Distant Learning Availability and Accountability to Interact with the Learner by participating in their discussions.
Check on students to ensure they are logged on
Participate in Discussion and offer suggestions and to keep them on track.
The trainer role changes from face-to-face communication to the Internet and precise clear communication via the Internet. The trainers participation in online instruction is vital to the success of the learner. They must allow the learner to contact themwith questions and ensure that the software, syllabus and lesson plan is available and accessible.

Trainer Steps to Encourage Online Communication Presents few challenges or barriers to participants new to web conferencing
Provides a variety of interaction tools, including chat, polling, and annotation
Incorporate break-out rooms for lively small group discussions
Offers two-way communication (through VoIP or teleconferencing) to engage learners
Supports the use of multi-media (video and audio)
Handles sophisticated slide presentations that include animation and graphics
Ensure that the Facilitator or Trainer is available and that the students have the tools and feel confident that they will succeed.


Video Program: "Facilitating Online Learning"
Dr. George Piskurich shares tips and tricks with instructional technologist Jacqueline Chauser for facilitating online courses to help learners get the most from the experience.
Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2009). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education.
Rives Hassell-Corbiell(2001) Developing Training Courses Learning Edge